Bold new works. Intimate staging. Something different. FUT in the HAT.


Mesa is a road trip worth taking. Check it out. Bring your grandparents.” Martin Morrow, FFWD Magazine
by Doug Curtis
WED. January 22 - Sold Out
Thur. 23 – Fri. 24 - Sat. 25 at 7;30
Matinees Sat & Sun 25 & 26 at 2:00 pm
Black Box Theatre Cultural Centre
Written by Doug Curtis and first performed in 2000 at the
One Yellow Rabbit
High Performance Rodeo in Calgary, MESA is based on a True Story.
Paul, an out of work artist, is asked to drive his wife's 93 year old Grandpa 'Bud' from Calgary to his retirement trailer in Mesa, Arizona. Paul dreams of a great adventure in the American desert. Bud wants Denny's and Motel 6. This is Bud's final year in Mesa, and Paul is his Chauffeur.
Paul and Bud spend 5 days together, navigating the predictable turnoffs on the Interstate, while discovering their need for each other: hopes, dreams , lives, and experiences all become shared.
Directed by Karen Cunningham, and Starring Grant Bray as “Bud” and Mike Waskilik as “Paul”; this play will touch the heart of any age.
"A road map to the heart... nearly everything about Mesa is odd and surprising. It's lack of sentimentality, it's perspective on the exotic, it's reaction to America, it's sense of humour... a beautifully written play." Edmonton Journal

“Brilliantly written...Mesa is a warm, wonderful, and funny play.”
St. Thomas Times-Journal

“Heartfelt and funny.”
Edmonton Sun
TICKETS: $15 +s/c + gst
Available THREE ways:
In person: at ESPLANADE Box Office or Mall Outlet
Online: at Ticket Central:
Buy your tickets online NOW
by clicking this link:

By phone: on the Ticket Hotline: (403) 502-8777