Bold new works. Intimate staging. Something different. FUT in the HAT.

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FUT in the HAT

The Fut in the Hat Theatre Society is Medicine Hat's "premiere" theatre company.

This amateur theatre company is committed to bringing the best in bold new works to the city's most intimate stage, the Black Box Theatre in the Cultural Centre. With a keen eye for works by some of Canada's most interesting Playwrights, Fut in the Hat has brought pieces by such writers as Michael Healey (The Drawer Boy, Winter 2003), George F. Walker (Suburban Motel Winter 2004),Eugene Stickland (A Guide to Mourning, Winter 2005), Daniel MacIvor's soul-searching play, Marion Bridge, and Doug Curtis' heartwarming comedy Mesa, to new and appreciative audiences.

Our Bare-Naked Theatre has been a popular addition to the Hat's theatre choices. These Reader's Theatre nights are performed the last Tuesday of every month . We call it Bare-Naked Theatre not because of the lack of any clothes, but because the production is stripped-down, un-staged, and maybe a bit more intimate than what you are used to - the experience is between the performers, the audience, and the playwright's words.

Contact us:
Artistic Director: Karen Cunningham
President: Julie Tracey

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